Monday, June 23, 2014

When is taking it personally too much?

As a perfectionist, I tend to take things pretty personally.  Every setback, criticism or small joke, tends to error on my personal side much more.  But when is it too much? When it starts affecting your life.

As I'm healing I'm really focusing on trying to be more resilient and not take things so personal.  I know that I've been guilty of taking things over the line.  As perfectionists, we tend to beat ourselves up, or take every mistake or misstep and turn it into "I'm not good enough."

Just the other day, I got really defensive when I was criticized for being too emotional.  And in reality, it's really about self image and developing it, and I need to let go of being that way.  I need to give up on trying to take control and defend myself from any threats and stop taking things personal.

Friday, June 20, 2014
