Monday, May 19, 2014

There are always choices

I have been working on reprogramming my ways, my thinking. 

And in order to reprogram my perfectionist ways, I have to reprogram my choices, my decisions, knowing that there are always other choices available. I can reflect on my messy house with only thinking of how I want to change it, correct it, clean it. Perfect it. Or I can make the choice to stop and accept that my house is the best way it can be at that given moment in time. It is as perfect as it’s going to get.

If I willingly know that there are other choices available, then I can understand that I don't only have one option. I have a choice. And choice involves two ways. I can choose one or the other.

I think so many times I felt as if my option was the only option available. That there were no choices available. I would take a situation (like my house) and think that the only available option is to clean it. When in reality like I said above, I have the choice to stop and accept that it is the best it will be at that moment.

Take time to realize that there are always choices. You can choose not to perfect a situation, and at any given moment, that situation is the best that it's going to get.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Not enough time to be perfect at everything

I tend to try to analyze my imperfections.  When it seems like I have analyzed one imperfection, paused, taken a moment to stop and reflect, the next imperfection is hitting me in the face.  What I mean by this is that I tend to analyze areas in my life where I'm not as perfect as can be, or things that I have done wrong, or areas where I've mistaken.  I analyze them, think about them and try to come up with ways on how to do better.

Just being good, is not good enough, I tell myself.  And so, I double my efforts, take care of myself less often, work harder, wake up earlier and try to do better. Analyzing imperfections is often my way of giving myself my own guilt trip, my own standard, my own understanding of what I did wrong.

But what ends up happening when I get in this vicious cycle, is just when I have one imperfection analyzed and thought out, the next imperfection comes skipping in.  In reality, I'm trying to be perfect at everything, and when I'm not, I consider that an imperfection.  And that's so wrong.  It's taken me a long time to comprehend this thought, but when we are not perfect, that does not by any means make us a failure....make an imperfection.  We don't have time to be perfect at everything. And we certainly don't have time to sit and analyze imperfections, trying every moment to make them better.  Like I said, it's taken me a long time to comprehend this thought, but it is a key revolution if you can train your mind to think about that. It will be a key point in your healing.