Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Take action against your Perfectionism

My husband yesterday wrote in his blog about having an action plan to achieve success.  Overcoming perfection most certainly needs that same type of action.  An action plan to set yourself free from perfectionism.  It's one thing to think about wanting to overcome this, but actually taking action to do it, is the key factor.  It does not matter how frustrated you have felt in the past, or how hopeless you feel right now.  You are now able to overcome the mental handcuff of perfectionism.

Here are the steps in my Action plan that is leading me to achieve success:

  • Recognize the root of the perfectionist problem
  • Apply mental strategies to overcome some of the fears that are underlying from this problem
  • Practice this and work to reprogram your mind to stay perfectionist-free
I've talked several times about first realizing the problem.  It's really important to know what you are dealing with and recognizing what might actually be the root of your problem.

For me, it was the fear of failure, fear of losing control, and fear of not getting it right. What I've been able to do to help me overcome this, is to recognize the problem. Then, I've applied many mental strategies to help me heal.  Things like "I am good enough.  I am deserving enough.  It's ok if I lose control, and lastly, I'm not perfect." Going through a lot of these thoughts is helping me to overcome this fear of failure, and really helping to overcome perfection.

Once you have this clear picture of the problem, then you can take action against these traits.  The key is to reprogram your mind and control any triggers that may lead to this behaviour.

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